Link/Invite address

To better understand the difference between Link and Invite click here.

  1. Click on Link address.

  1. Select the chain you wish to link to the account you are connected with.

  1. Write the address you wish to link to the account you are connected with.

  1. Confirm and sign with your wallet.

  2. Click on Sync chain.

  1. Click Complete linking and sign with your wallet.

Invite address

  1. Click on Invite address.

  1. Select the chain and address that you want to send an invite to. Make sure that this address is not connected to an xChain app account already.

  1. Click on Send invite, follow the instructions, and sign with your wallet

  2. Open the account manager of the wallet that has been invited. Then select the chain on which the wallet was invited. Click Accept

  1. Once you accept the invitation, you will be able to see the invited wallet from the inviting account

Last updated