Closing Loans
Repay a loan
On the loan page click on Manage next to the loan you want to repay.
Go to the Borrow table and click on Repay next to the asset you want to repay.
Type in the amount you want to repay, click on Repay, and sign with your wallet.
Repaying an asset on spoke chains may require more time to be executed than usual. This has been due to the Waiting Delay.
Definition: Waiting Relay indicates that a transaction has been initiated from a spoke chain and is awaiting delivery to the hub chain via the Generic Messaging Protocol (GMP) such as Wormhole or Chainlink CCIP. For certain operations like deposits, collateralization, and repayments, the waiting time is longer as it requires achieving finality on the spoke chain where the operation was initiated. The Waiting Relay is necessary because it avoids potential risks such as double spending by ensuring that a transaction has been fully confirmed on the source chain before proceeding.
Reduce collateral
Go to the Collateral table and click on Reduce next to the asset you want to withdraw.
Type in the amount you want to withdraw, click on Reduce, and sign with your wallet.
Last updated